All are Welcome!

See our page at Celebrate Recovery Rothbury on Facebook or contact

Dan (231-450-2311) or

Laurel (231-861-0729).

CR-Rothbury Facebook Page
Fridays 6:30-8:30 PM

Celebrate Recovery is a 12-Step Christ-centered recovery program that integrates biblical principles to love, heal and educate hurting people.  The focus is on God’s grace and healing power through fellowship with others.

CR helps people overcome their hurts, hang-ups and habits, (including but not exclusive to anxiety, compulsive behaviors, financial dysfunction, eating disorders, drug and alcohol addictions, anger and grief), in a safe environment with people who love and support each other in their journey.  Most importantly, everyone will learn to trust God for their healing so they can experience a closer relationship with the only one who can truly help them understand themselves – Jesus Christ.

The program includes worship songs, large group videos and small, gender exclusive group discussions. Refreshments and small child nursery care are provided.